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“more contagious”
contagious (adjective), more contagious, most contagious
1. Conveying that which spreads easily and likely to make another person or people sick: Certain diseases can be very infectious, or contagious, like measles, mumps, or chickenpox, spreading to others by touching or being in the air.
2. Pertaining to something which causes or is likely to cause the same reaction or emotion in several people; transmittable: Willie's contagious behavior of friendliness was usually conveyed to other people whenever they met him.
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2. Pertaining to something which causes or is likely to cause the same reaction or emotion in several people; transmittable: Willie's contagious behavior of friendliness was usually conveyed to other people whenever they met him.
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This entry is located in the following units:
com-, co-, cog-, col-, con-, cor-
(page 5)
-ous, -ious, -eous
(page 6)
tang-, tact-, tast-, ting-, -tig -tag, -teg-
(page 2)